Historical VS. Contemporary: 17 Lesser Known Truths About Mormonism

1) The "Deseret News" newspaper has been owned by the LDS organization for more than 100 years. In 1932 the "Deseret News" publicly endorsed Adolf Hitler as the next leader of Germany. While some historians might claim other newspapers did the same thing, those other newspapers aren't owned by an organization that claims operate the "only true church on earth". (Here)

2) Younger generations who go through the temple endowment ceremony are being taught that a critical part of the information given in the ceremony follows a shared schedule and the information isn't to be kept secret. For decades, millions of other temple goers were taught that the information was unique to them and it was to be kept secret with one exception: Females were instructed to share what they learned with their husbands but husbands were instructed not to share what they learned with their wives. (Sorry for the Reddit link) (Here) (Here)

3) Many of Mormonism's past and present 15 leaders (the "First Presidency" and "The Quorum of the 12" have always been members of the same multi-generational extended family. Many other people in other positions are also related. (Here) (Here)

4) All LDS leaders are former civilians (or "lay people"). Some are former Utah lawyers. One was on the Utah supreme court in the 80's. In Utah, there is no state funded office that supervises lawyers. ("The Utah State Bar" is actually a private corporation funded by the same Utah laywers it is supposed to supervise, that's why it doesn't supervise all Utah lawyers in the same way and is why it favors certain circles of hundreds of Utah lawyers over others. The Utah Judicial Conduct Commission favors certain circles of judges too. In Utah the governor also nominates judges (they are not elected). For the past several decades Utah's governors have also been victims of Mormonism's selective history and followers of Mormonism. Mormonism also owns a University and law school (Brigham Young University) that issues Utah State Bar required credentials for it's followers to become Utah lawyers.

5) Joseph Smith's murder happened at age 39 just weeks after he announced he was running for president of the USA. (Here)

6) Joseph's brother Hyrum was murdered with him and their younger brother Samuel was murdered 33 days later. Another brother Alvin had been murdered 19 years earlier. Their father and another Smith brother also died during the peculiar beginnings of Mormonism. There's more. That's a whole lot of murders and deaths of people under God's watch.

7) Joseph Smith was a 10 year old boy when his family first moved to Palmyra, New York. It was their 8th move in 10 years. Palmyra was a primitive post-colonial town already controlled by the wealthy, well-connected, patriotic Harris family.

8) The USA was failing in the decades before and during Mormonism's beginnings and it seems Freemasonry was trying to facilitate the creation of a following of thousands of people to send them deep into the West in an attempt to save the Nation. 16 other people have been documented to have shared a similar "First Vision" story before the boy Joseph Smith ever did. One of these men, Solomon Chamberlain had a daughter who married a member of that powerful Harris family. (Here) (Here) (Here)

9) The Erie Canal was built in the exact same time and place of Mormonism's beginnings (Palmyra, New York). Martin Harris, a member of that powerful Harris family was very influential in the route the Erie Canal took through Palmyra by the Harris' lands yet this critical fact is regularly left out of Mormonism's teachings. The Erie Canal provided Harris with everything needed to fabricate Mormonism: Cash and an endless line of needy immigrants riding the Harris' canal barges to Palmyra from the port of New York. (Here) (Here)

10) Harris was a talented, dynamic, influential, violent man. He was also brilliant at making white linen from flax. Ever since Mormonism's beginnings millions of followers have been required to wear a layer of clothing made from white linen and purchased from stores owned by Mormonism's corporate office.

11) That powerful Harris family financed Mormonism and also had documented connections to many industries including publishing as well as printers and famous authors who's works are still famous today. Charles Anthon, Luther Bradish and Samuel Mitchell. Bradish was literary agent for James Fenimore Cooper, author of "The Last of the Mohichans" and other colonial tales. The way they financed it though seems to also be largely misrepresented within LDS history. (Here) (Here)

12) LDS history claims that Martin Harris' first wife Lucy Hill Harris had no faith in him. It leaves out that she was also his first cousin and when she was 15 he forced her to marry him. He was 23. This may be where Harris discovered his ability to control children. Records indicate he was also abusive to her and beat her with the handle of a whip. 30 short years later she mysteriously died when Martin was 52. Within weeks of her death he married a 21 year old who also happened to be a niece of willing subordinate Brigham Young. Harris had 13 living children from these two women. For several decades up until early 2020 there were 13 corporations that controlled more than $100 Billion of Mormonism's cash reserves. Lots of people around Martin Harris seemed to have been murdered or mysteriously died.

13) Parts of LDS history claim that Joseph received visitations from 24 different angels while at first people are taught it was 2...or 3...or 6... (Here)

14) History claims that 16 other people shared "First Vision" type stories before the child Joseph Smith began telling the ones he told. Martin Harris' brother Emer would eventually marry the daughter of one of the men who shared a similar "First Vision" story years before. His name was Solomon Chamberlain. There are other links through different factions of one of the USA's most historical brotherhoods. (Here)

15) Prominent Mormon history (that is taught everyday by 50,000+ missionaries around the globe) leaves out that 10 years passed between the time the 14 year old boy Joseph began telling his version of the "First Vision" story and when The Book of Mormon was published. It also leaves out a period of 3 years that claims that Joseph was led to the buried box by the same angel every year but not allowed to retrieve the pre-translated, gold plated book. It also regularly leaves out that the box also apparently included a sword (the Sword of Laban), a spherical compass (the Liahona), and a translation device that was a breastplate attached to rudimentary "seeing glasses" (The Urim and Thummim). It also leaves out that no one else ever saw the pre-translated gold plates and that to do the translation, Joseph would sit behind a makeshift curtain and orate while one of 4 scribes wrote down what he said. It also leaves out that instead of wearing the "Urim and Thummim" to do the translation, Joseph could also use one of two rocks placed in his hat and the words he would orate would appear on the rock. One rock he was also led to by an angel the other rock was one he already had. 

16) History shows that The Book of Mormon shares pages and pages of similarities with 6 books published before it.

Publication 1) The Late War (1816)

Publication 2) A Classical Dictionary. This publication was revised by different contributors which was common for the time. Although Charles Anthon's publication states "1848", the publication existed long before that. There are different resources that outline the similarities. This is one.

Publication 3) The First Book of Napolean (1809). Author's names of this publication include Michael Linning aka Eliakim The Scribe aka Modeste Gruau which are all likely the same person as psuedonyms were common in those days. Even Benjamin Franklin used several psuedonyms for his writings. Linning was also the Scribe to the Queen of Scotland. 

Publication 4) Manuscript Found: Conneault Creek also known as the Oberlin Manuscript or the Honolulu ManuscriptTranscript

Publication 5) A View of the Hebrews (1823) 

Publication 6) The History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland (1804). Note that revisions suggest later dates but 1804 is listed in the preface). This publication mentions "three knocks with a mallet" and "metal plates with engravings placed in a cavity" several times. Perhaps most critical, it also has 4 UNNUMBERED pages of characters similar to "reformed Egpytian" these pages are hidden between pages 424 and 425. Note that within Mormon history what was claimed as "reformed Egyptian" is also similar to this

17) Today Mormonism controls well over $100 Billion in tax-free corporate functions (1) (2). Through these corporations it owns influential roles in companies you know and use everyday. $100 Billion of that ill-gotten wealth places Mormonism among the top 5 of the largest cash reserves in the USA. Additional billions are held in real estate development (3) (4), media control (THE NBC TV NETWORK IN UTAH), Utah's two newspapers, the USA's largest cattle producer, the USA's largest nut producer, Universities in Utah, Idaho and Hawaii (BYU, the one that issues legal credentials for followers to be Utah attorneys), political control (for decades all of Utah's governors and most of Utah's legislatures and other critical office holders in education and media have been followers) and billions of dollars more in tax free buildings disguised as chapels, temples and other "ecclesiastical" buildings that play a critical role in getting followers to donate certain percentages of cash to Mormonism to stay in good standing. (The politicians and lawmakers who are also followers donate these amounts to Mormonism too.) Additionally, Martin Harris fathered 13 living children and up until 2020, there were 13 secret corporations set up to control more than $100 billion dollars of Mormonism's cash. Does all this mean that today Mormonism is a nepotistic $200 Billion tax-free corporation masquerading as a "church" that is guilty of an unprecedented entanglement of church and state (and mafia spawned RICO laws)? When the IRS hears all this as I present it, will they finally step in and remove the tax-exempt status of Mormonism? (The answer is "No" and there are many understandable reasons for this when the greater context of all this is taken into consideration. But if the IRS wants to take action, I'm happy to accept the whistleblower's portion the IRS would be obligated to offer. I'd use it to start fixing Utah but you'll read more about that later.) 


With so many discrepancies in what is taught to possible followers and what is buried in history, perhaps other alternatives should be considered. It helps to ask the question: How is it that a 14 year old traveling gypsy boy could have told those stories and while on this peculiar timeline also produce The Book of Mormon 10 years later? Doesn't it make sense that he was doing was the bidding of a very well connected, powerful, wealthy person and the glitches and time gaps are explained by the many different challenges (and other coverups) that came up during that time? The answer is "YES". 


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