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I believe Utah's courts are broken systems perpetuated by broken people. 

Here's why and the 8 loopholes to be aware of to protect yourself, your loved ones, your neighbors and even your X from Utah's broken courts (and the broken people who will try to exploit you.)

For the past several decades Utah has secretly been home to certain circles of less-than-honest attorneys and judges who prey on vulnerable people from all walks of life. They do this to pile up enormous fortunes for themselves, the law firms they are or were associated with, various courthouse offices and the certain circles they belong to. No matter how insidious their actions are, colluding leaders at various Utah offices continue to look the other way. This includes the Governor's Office (Herbert and Cox), the Attorney General's office (Reyes), the U.S. Attorney's office, the Judicial Conduct Commission, The Administrative Office of the Courts and the deceptively created, deceptively named private corporation "The Utah State Bar". It all really has become a conglomerate of exploitation. 


Is this really what Utah is all about or can we do better? Protect yourself, your loved ones and your neighbors by knowing and sharing. 




At the root of this deception is that since 1932 the organization that is supposed to supervise Utah attorneys has secretly been hiding behind deceptive illusions. This is because way back then, certain circles of part-time state lawmakers, many who were full-time Utah lawyers in day-to-day life, created this secret, self-serving arrangement for themselves. They did this to avoid accountability to the public by NOT having an actual "State" office supervise them as lawyers like state offices do for other professionals such as licensees in real estate, mortgage and insurance. 


To do this, they first created a hidden law allowing themselves to secretly supervise themselves. To hide it even further, they hid the organization under the banner of an intentionally deceptive name to make it sound like they are supervised by "The State of Utah" like those other professions are. The name they chose is: "The Utah State Bar". 


Not only is "Utah State Bar" not really an office of "The State of Utah" it is actually a private corporation funded by the same attorneys it claims to supervise. This would be like allowing prisoners to pay the guards who supervise them. How this deception even happened is unimaginable. That it is still happening 90 years later is even more unimaginable. 


This secret, self-serving illusion is an unprecedented, unconscionable, conflict of interest. (Use the keyword "Utah State Bar" in the name field at this official "State of Utah" business entity search website to confirm the first stage of this far reaching deception for yourself). It gets much worse. 



#1) Less-than-honest, abusively schooled, questionably credentialed Utah lawyers are psychologically grooming vulnerable victims from all walks of life that they disguise as their "clients". They do this so they can turn simple matters into endlessly complex matters that will never get resolved while also creating the illusions that it will. They do this with many, many made up layers and with pages and pages of made up filings. They do this in business, divorce, custody, collection and eviction matters so they can bill tens of thousands of dollars (or more) the longer they drag the cases on. They commit mail fraud. They verbally abuse. They lie. They instigate. They make false promises. They use catchy words from TV shows like "that big day in court". They file unnecessary documents that take months to navigate just so they can bill you thousands more for them. They collude with each other. They date each other. They party together. They show up to court drunk or high. They withhold settlement offers and they blame the court for all the delays. The judges play along because they used to be attorneys too.


To reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this, do everything you can to settle matters between yourselves. Put a workable short-term plan into action because life will bring changes everyday that you will both need to adapt to otherwise there will be lost opportunity cost to both of you. Keep communicating in voice. When making potential plans, don't allow yourselves to be tricked into believing texting or email is better, you will waste weeks. If your conversations get rough, put a 10 minute timer on them with at least a 50 minute break required in between. Eventually you'll realize you're both much better off getting something workable in place even if it's the bare minimum. 


Don't let the abusively schooled lawyers psychologically groom you to communicate only through them, this will add weeks to the simplest things and come with huge opportunity costs small and large. Your child's friend's birthday party? Nope, the attorney want you on the phone. That vacation? Nope, the attorneys want you in court and that's the only day they're not on vacation. Volunteering at the school? Nope you need to work extra to pay the lawyers. Everything suffers in unimaginable ways. Besides, no matter how many emails or text messages you save and haul in in giant crates, at the end of the day Utah's imposter courts don't care about them. The imposter courts only care about dragging the cases on as long as possible to keep getting the lawyers paid because that's what was done for them when they were lawyers. Don't fall into that trap. 


#2) Less-than-honest Utah lawyers are pocketing thousands of dollars in upfront retainer fees from "clients" and then they are purposely withdrawing from the client's case weeks later without doing anything. They never have any intention of resolving the matter. They simply take the $5K or more up front then move on to do the same thing to other victims. 


They do not care that them doing this to a "client" can destroy a client's credit and prevent opportunities for employment and home ownership. Victims of this find themselves far worse off than before they met the lawyer. This scam is so rampant that some victims have had more than one lawyer do this to them in a matter of weeks! 


#3) Less-than-honest Utah lawyers are allowed to falsely inflate bills by tens of thousands of dollars and then use Utah's imposter courts to steal their own "client's" homes. This is why many less-than-honest Utah lawyers ask a prospective client if they own a home in the very first meeting. (Watch for this red flag).


They do this because Utah's broken laws "allow" them to take say $5,000 upfront as a "retainer" but then claim they did $50,000 worth of work and demand it. Because Utah's courts are broken systems perpetuated by broken people, there is literally nothing the victim can do except suffer and try to survive the intentional, enabled extortion. All victims are left devastated and many don't survive due to suicide. Even worse, it seems there's even a darker reason for why the lawyer secretly want's their clients to commit suicide and intentionally does things to discourage and overwhelm them hoping that will happen all while pretending the lawyer is the good guy (or girl). 


It will be a sad day when the books of many less-than-honest Utah lawyers are forced to be opened and show how many client's estates they stole from by adding tens of thousands of dollars to the client's bill after they passed away from suicide, stress and (unnatural) causes. 


To not get caught doing this, some Utah lawyers change all or part of their business name every couple years so the papers they file against their own "client" to do this are harder for victims to discover and track in Utah's outdated "Xchange" case search system. 


Some Utah lawyers steal tens of thousands of dollars from each victim. Some do this to dozens of victims each year. Some tell landowners they wont stop doing things like this until the landowner agrees to pay them a fortune to make them stop. If the lawyer ever gets caught, the appellate courts let them get away with it and go right back to doing this to more victims. There's proof of this! 


#4) Less-than-honest Utah lawyers are turning abuse claims by battered women into a lucrative cottage industry. They mislead these vulnerable abuse victims with false costs of protective orders. They tell female victims that protective orders cost $5,000 (or more) when they are actually FREE online under a federal program.  Because of this lie, many victims can't get the help they need and continue to be abused (or get murdered). 


#5) Less-than-honest Utah lawyers are using secret loopholes allowed by the "Utah Supreme Court", the "Utah Administrative Office of the Court", the "Utah Judiciary" and the "Utah Judicial Conduct Commission" to collude with each other, with court judges, with appellate judges, with custody evaluators, with mediators and other court appointees. This includes committing mail fraud by falsely claiming critical items were mailed without actually mailing them. This happens because the court's secret circles don't require lawyers to show proof that they mailed something, they just have to say they did.


#6) Less-than-honest Utah lawyers are posing as collection agents and using the secret circles to target innocent people with false amounts. They then add thousands of dollars more to those false amounts as their own false fees as a scare tactic to force the innocent people to "shut up and pay". They will fear-monger. They will harrass. They will lie. They will demand you are at the courthouse for no reason. If the victim endures all this and somehow survives, when the crooked collection lawyer loses, the crooked judge or commissioner wont award the victim attorney's fees. 


This is one way a crooked judge or commissioner can make side deals with colluding lawyers to not award lawyer fee's to a client so they can pocket them instead. 


#7) Less-than-honest Utah lawyers can abuse drugs, alcohol and more and secretly make their "clients" pay for it. All they have to do is randomly add any amount to any or all "clients" bills and there's nothing the "client" can do about it.


If they show up to court drunk or high, the judge will pretend not to notice and will probably even play along. (Remember male and female attorneys and judges can secretly be "more than friends" and it happens all the time in this State's cardboard courthouses.) 


#8) These loopholes also allow certain circles of Utah judges to implement "made up" procedures. They use insidious methods previously hidden in other manipulation scripts to perpetuate this devastation upon victims. 



Remember, "Oppression breeds the ability to overcome it." Be smart. Don't let these certain circles provoke you into doing something towards yourself or others that you will regret or that they can use to try to blame everything on you because they will at the first opportunity they get. It's what they are "schooled" to do to exploit as much as possible from each victim. (aka "client")











It's well known that within the collective imagination of Mormonism's teachings, Utah's politicians, judges, lawyers, mediators, custody evaluators and all other critical office holders who are followers of Mormonism are expected to "donate" a minimum percentage of their income to perpetuating the global organization's stated ecclesiastical objectives. Although parts of that organization do claim to have ecclesiastical objectives, in reality, in recent years, it has been revealed that the organization has expanded into stock interests worth well over $100 billion dollars. (Recent reports indicate that Mormonism's fortune is among the top five cash reserves in the USA). The different body parts of Mormonism also hold global commercial real estate interests worth tens of billions of dollars, controversial political interests that they've spent tens of millions of dollars on, a prominent Utah university (BYU) with locations in 3 US states (Utah, Idaho and Hawaii) and, believe it or not, a Utah law school (the J. Reuben Clark Law School at BYU) where in another unprecedented conflict of interest followers of Mormonism receive their education credentials to be Utah attorneys. 


In Utah, judges used to be attorneys too and are not elected by the public, they are appointed by the Utah governor who, for the past several decades have also all been loyal to Mormonism's culturally prominent practices. It seems some of the judges even had their resumes bolstered in peculiar ways when they were lawyers by the well-connected judges ahead of them as a clandestine way to eventually justify their eventual "appointments" to the bench to protect the interests of these certain circles. For now, with the exception of those connected as lawyers or judges themselves, there is a lot to be discovered and revealed about what roles Utah governors, members of the legislature and others have played in allowing these certain circles to commit the horrors they do. 


Other conflicts of interest are that Mormonism's global, ecclesiastical purposes are overseen by a group of 3 men known as "The First Presidency" overseeing a group of 12 men known as "The Quorum of the 12" yet, unconscionably, some of the men in those roles are also former Utah lawyers and judges. Currently one of the men in the "First Presidency" is a former member of the "Utah Supreme Court". He is also a multi-generational descendant of the original New York family who financed the well orchestrated beginnings of the global organization. Beginnings which continue to have patriotic, but violent and conflicting reports revealed about them. It's also important to note that because of polygamy's former role in the global organization's history, 99% of the men who have held a role in those 15 rotating positions have been related and because of that there are also other generational connections between the men in the organization and men in Utah's public roles. (It's important to note that Mormonism's teaching don't claim it's followers at any level are perfect.)


Even though there are names of many lawyers and judges who are perpetrators to be revealed and even though there are thousands of victims a year, proof exists that many victims who have come forward so far continue to go ignored by "Utah State Bar", by the "Office of Professional Conduct", by the "Utah Judicial Conduct Commission", by the "Utah Administrative Office of the Court", by the "Utah Supreme Court", by the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, by the privately owned J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University, by the Utah offices of the FBI and the US Attorney and by leaders. Whether it's by disbelief, nepotism, impunity, apathy, enabling these certain circles or worse, the critical role players at these offices individually and collectively refuse to acknowledge that these loopholes exist.  


Because of the several ways the secret circles are allowed to hide behind "Utah Law" and exploit thousands of innocent Utahans each year, because of U.S. laws like "R.I.C.O" and because of "The State of Utah's" collective refusal to acknowledge the nine loopholes and the countless horrors they breed, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for "The State of Utah", for those who have engaged in these horrors, for those who have looked the other way and for those who continue to look the other way. Perhaps the reason so many do look the other way is because they and "The State of Utah" would be on the hook for billions upon billions of dollars in liability for decades of collusion and misrepresentation to Utahans? 



The 1930's, when all this started, had plenty of weird or horrible things going on (like other regrettable parts of U.S. History) but while those parts all ran their course and eventually ended, this insidious deception is still happening in Utah. For example, the 1930's brought The Great Depression (1929-1933) as well as many local and nationally intellectually polarizing events. This includes when the LDS owned newspaper "The Deseret News" (still in operation today) publicly endorsed Adolf Hitler as the next leader of Germany



I first started raising awareness about the illusions of "Utah State Bar" in early 2018 after I became a victim of a few of the nine loopholes and looked into how any of that was even possible. As I submitted various posts online about what I discovered, other victim's experiences eventually came to light and contributed to me identifying the rest of the nine ways. As I've continued to publicly raise awareness of this in conventional and unconventional ways, the Dean of the University of Utah's SJ Quinney College of Law, the Director of the Utah Administrative Office of the Court and the Director of the Utah State Bar have quietly jumped ship. Utah State Bar also tried to quietly make other staffing changes in an effort to avoid nepotistic connections being exposed. Utah State Bar has also attempted to quietly disassociate from another psuedo office known as the "Office of Professional Conduct" ("OPC") by claiming that the "OPC" is no longer a part of "Utah State Bar" and that it now "regulates" Utah lawyers even though random letters from "OPC" still indicate they have no authority to actually impose penalties. Most days the OPC website and phone number don't even work. 

On top of this, for years the Utah "Judicial Conduct Commission" has had fake pictures on it's website falsely implying it's offices are at the stately Matheson Courthouse when in reality they only have a PO Box in an old building 20 blocks down the street. Security at that building isn't even ran by the Sheriff like the Matheson Courthouse is. Instead, a private security guard sits in the lobby and on most days the private security guard doesn't even know the Judicial Conduct Commission publicly claims to have an office there. On other days the private security guard will claim that occasionally a person comes in and picks up the mail for the Judicial Conduct Commission once a week. In my experience, this same person at the Judicial Conduct Commission is also the person who returns calls and claims to "investigate" complaints as the Judicial Conduct Commission. To make it harder for the public to submit complaints, they also have no email. This forces complainants to mail complaints in or drop them off in person. 

This is all just more deception and more indication that many colluding individuals within "The State of Utah" will continue going to great lengths no matter how shameful they are to hide all this. 



Remember, as tragic as this is, it equals opportunity and greater purpose for millions of victims in Utah to fix this corruption and follow new leaders like me at creating a legislative model for other states experiencing some of the same challenges. Do not fall for the narcissistic provocations of these certain circles. Stay smart. Communicate. Be heard. Be seen. Share your story. Just by doing this we are "beating the devil at his own game". 



1) Share your own experience with me (anonymous is OK). 

2) Contact me for mediation services and other guidance. 

3) Post your own stories about Utah Law Fraud you've experienced often and everywhere you can. Consider places online or here or here.

4) Even though many of Utah's part-time elected officials are full-time lawyers contact them anyway and demand the creation of a committee to write laws that will close these loopholes, investigate the hundreds of crooked attorneys and judges and severely punish the guilty. Here's links to who to contact: Utah Senate Roster. Utah House of Representatives Roster. U.S. Senator's Romney or Lee. Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes. Utah Governor Spencer Cox.



Two different Utah governors (Herbert and Cox), Utah's current Attorney General (Reyes), Utah State Senators (Hatch, Lee and Romney) all of Utah's current 100 person legislature (Here) and (Here), local business luminaries (some who are connected as donors and other ways to Utah's public universities and law school or to BYU and it's law school) and even LDS leaders. For one reason or another letters, emails, voicemails, polite in person visits and requests for appointments went ignored. 



1. Feds Sue Utah Officials Alleging Multi-Million Dollar Grant Fraud

2. Notes About Utah's Previous Two Attorney Generals. Both Also Charged With Corruption, Both Acquitted.

3. Insight Into Forgotten U.S. History As It Relates To Mormonism and Utah 

4. Loyalist Controlled Utah Is First State To Wave Bar Exam For Law Grads 

5. Loyalist Controlled Utah Becomes First State To Let Law Grads Skip Bar Exam

6. Loyalist Controlled Utah Supreme Court Approves Waving Bar Exam For Law Grads 

7. How Utah State Bar Sent An Explicit Photo To Every Lawyer In The State

8. An Example of Utah's Misdirection

9. Only Four Non-Loyalist Governors In Utah's 125 Year History

10. Utah Division of Real Estate Financed By "The State of Utah" Supervises Real Estate and Mortgage Agents 

11. Utah Division of Insurance Financed By "The State of Utah" Supervises Insurance Agents 

12. Utah FBI and LDS

13. Insight into Utah FBI

14. A History of FBI Scandals

15. U.S. Attorney Scandals

16. Notes About Utah's Past Governor Gary Herbert 2008-2020  

17. A Female Celebrity Suffering From Abuse At The Hands of Utah's Broken Legal System

18. Rough Notes With Links To Utah Statistics

19. A Story About Another Kind of Lawyer

20. Something To Help Keep Things In Perspective As "Americans" (and Neighbors).



On some day's I'm a heck-of-a state licensed advocate for people evaluating the different opportunities that Utah's diverse residential, commercial and mountain resort real estate markets can offer. 

Because of my diverse line of work and as happenstance tends to happen to occasionally hapless people, around 2017, I unknowingly started on this journey that would lead to me discovering deception within The State of Utah's most critical law offices and departments. Because this deception related to my line of work and affected victims from all walks of life and although I am not a writer I continued to raise the alarm about this with all of Utah's well-connected offices. I was ignored by all of them. As I pressed on however and shared this message publicly in different ways, victims of other nightmares at the hands of The State of Utah began to reach out to me with their own stories. The message grew as the scope of the corruption expanded in unconscionable ways far beyond the devastating ways it originally related to my line of work. 

Even if some of the conversations can be uncomfortable at times, I continue to share this message with people inside and outside of Utah because real progress for Utah is found in open conversation, not in silence, propaganda or selective misrepresentation. Because of that, the right people are seeing this alarming information as an opportunity to save lives and bring desperately needed transformation to the NEW Utah. 


*If you are sharing this in a Facebook post, use https://www.utahdap.com/utah-law-fraud because for some reason www.UtahLawFraud.com doesn't click through from Facebook. If you want to know what "Utah Dap" is click www.UtahDap.com (but please remember I am still the most offended person in Utah and because of that maybe you should elect me as governor?)




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